Leap program
Leap program

leap program

On-campus jobs have included working as a front office assistant, making deliveries, recycling and participating in a student-run café. Instruction and training in core job skills are facilitated by our vocational teacher, as well as at off-site businesses.

leap program

Work-based learning is incorporated into each student’s schedule through a variety of activities. Our classrooms are well-equipped with a variety of interactive technologies, such as smart boards and iPads, that support instruction. Our yearlong, 12-month program includes accommodations, modifications, adaptations and supplementary supports carefully chosen to meet each student’s individual needs. Students are also educated in subjects including physical education, health, social skills, career exploration and vocational skills. Our curriculum focuses on building essential skills based on standards and curricula identified by the Maryland State Department of Education. Students work toward earning a Certificate of Completion. Students are typically referred and funded by their local school system however, privately placed out-of-state and international students can also be enrolled. We provide education and related services to students ages 5-21 with autism, intellectual disability, speech and language impairments, other health impairments, and multiple disabilities. Our program emphasizes the development of lifelong skills through an active approach to learning, including participation in community and work-based learning opportunities that allow them to apply skills outside of the classroom.

leap program

We offer a range of educational and therapeutic services for students with complex academic, communication, social, and behavioral needs. Our specialized autism program is a nonpublic special education day program approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. Local small businesses are invited to apply for and participate in the LEAP grant funding process.At the Lifeskills and Education for Students with Autism and Pervasive Behavioral Challenges (LEAP) Program, our mission is to ensure each of our students gains the independence and skills necessary to fully participate in school, community, workplace, and home life. LEAP Program Guidelines Apply for LEAP Funds Please review the LEAP Program Guidelines before submitting the initial online application. The administration of the LEAP program is subject to the LEAP Program Guidelines document. LEAP Email List Subscription LEAP Guidelines We encourage you to sign up for the LEAP email list below to receive updates and notifications regarding the LEAP program. HUD is the primary administrator of the CDBG program. Because this program is financed with Federal funds, the City must follow the regulatory guidelines established by the Federal Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The LEAP program is funded through the City’s Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The Local Economic Assistance Program (LEAP) provides grants to businesses (with 50 or less employees) in the City that have been economically impacted by COVID-19.

Leap program